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Telegram Groups

This article walks you through the steps to create a Telegram Token Gated Access group with Collab.Land's Telegram bot.

How to Create a Token Gated Group on Telegram

Before we begin, you will need a Telegram group. If you do not have one, create one now.


Here's a guide for how to create a Telegram Group.

Setup your Telegram Group

  1. Edit Your Group Settings.

  2. Access your group settings by selecting your group icon in the upper left hand corner of the menu bar.

    • Or select the 3 dots and then click "Info".
Access Telegram group settings
  1. Click "Edit" to edit the group settings.
Edit Telegram group settings
  1. Click on "Chat History for New Members" and select Visible, click Done to save your changes.

    • This allows new members who join to view the full message history and will upgrade your group into a supergroup.
Make Chat History visible in your Telegram group

If you don’t enable the chat history before inviting the bot, it will not show in the Dashboard.

To fix:

  1. Remove the bot from the group.
  2. Change the "Chat History for New Members" to Visible.
  3. Add the bot to the group again.

Add the Collab.Land Telegram Bot

You can 1-click invite the @collablandbot bot from the Command Center.

Invite from the Command Center

  1. Go to the Command Center at

  2. Login with your Telegram account.

  3. Click the "Invite Bot" button to invite the @collablandbot to your Telegram group.

Invite the `@collablandbot` from the Command Center

Manual invite

  1. From the group info screen, select "+Add".

  2. In the search bar that opens, type collablandbot.

Add the `@collablandbot` to your group

Make sure you enter the username exactly. There are many imposters with similar names.

  1. Select the @collablandbot bot.

  2. Click "OK" to add it to the group.

Grant Collab.Land bot Admin Permissions

Collab.Land requires administrator permissions for Telegram groups.

  1. From the Group Info screen, click "Edit" on the top right corner.
Access Telegram group Administrator settings
  1. Click on "Administrators"

  2. Click on Add Admin and select the Collab.Land bot.

    • The bot should have the following permissions enabled:

      • Ban Users

      • Invite Users via Link

  3. Once finished click "Done" to save.

Grant Collab.Land Telegram bot Administrator permissions

Configure Token Gating Rules for Telegram Group Access

All configuration and management of Collab.Land Token Granted Access is done in the Command Center.

You can edit the Token Granted Access for your group by going directly to the Command Center or sending a direct message to @collablandbot with the /start command and following the "Group Admin (Command Center)" link.

Topics on Telegram

Telegram allows admins to break their groups apart into separate topics. Telegram is limited to all-in or all-out access to Groups, it does not allow access to some topics within a group. Telegram members can either access everything or nothing.


Telegram does not allow access to some topics within a group. Members can either access the whole group or nothing.

Can I use Collab.Land to gate only a topic chat in Telegram?

No. Token gating in Telegram only works for whole groups, it does not allow token gating topics, channels, or bots.